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Beryllium Silicates

Williams prepared beryl, Be3Al2(SiO3)6, artificially in 1873. In 1894 Traube precipitated a solution containing 3 molecules of beryllium sulphate and 1 molecule of aluminium sulphate with sodium silicate. The precipitate was transformed into beryl by heating for three days at 1700° C. with one quarter of its weight of boric anhydride.

Hautefille and Perrey obtained emerald, which has the same composition as beryl, by heating a mixture of silica, alumina, beryllia, and lithium hydrogen molybdate. At temperatures above 800° C. emerald is converted into phenacite, Be2SiO4. They also obtained phenacite by heating a mixture of silica, beryllia, lithium vanadate, and lithium carbonate.

Stein obtained an orthosilicate, Be2SiO4, and a metasilicate, BeSiO3, by fusing beryllia and silica in proper proportions.

Duboin prepared some complex silicates containing beryllia and potassium oxide.

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